(07) 3394 4644
Darin Professional Centre
Suite 1, 631 Logan Road,
Greenslopes, QLD 4120

Breast Examination

Early detection of breast cancer increases the chances of successful treatment and ultimately, survival. Being breast aware is part of general body awareness and learning how your breasts look and feel. It is important to know what is normal for you because everyone is different and as you go through the different stages of your life, your breasts are continually changing.

If you notice any of these changes see your GP straight away...

  Find time to check your breasts regularly...

It is important for all women aged 50 and over to have a free screening mammogram every two years. Having a mammogram can save your life. A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast which detects up to 90% of breast cancers and can detect a lump as small as a grain of rice.

Mammographic screening is not recommended for women younger than 40 years of age as their breast tissue is too dense to detect breast changes accurately using this method. If you are in this age group and concerned about breast changes, your doctor may still recommend a mammogram but will probably also arrange an Ultrasound. A referral to a medical imaging service is needed for this so please phone 07 3394 4644 to organise an appointment today.

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