A Pap smear is used to check changes in the cervix (the neck of the womb) at the top of the vagina. It is a screening tool to find early warning signs that cancer might develop in the future.
It is a simple procedure; cells are collected from the cervix and placed (smeared) onto a slide. The slide is sent to a laboratory where the cells are tested for anything unusual. If abnormal changes are found at screening, further tests will be done to see if treatment is needed. A Pap smear is not for diagnosing cancer, but for finding early changes which might become cancer. It only takes a few minutes. No drugs or anaesthetics are required and it can be done by your doctor during your consultation.
It does not check for other problems in the reproductive system including ovarian cancer or sexually transmitted infections. Women who are worried that they may have a sexually transmitted infection should talk to their general practitioner about the tests and treatments available.